Struggle With Maskne

The Struggle With Maskne Is Very Real By Skin Care & Beauty

Here’s what you can do to help prevent it.

Maskne is not an imaginary condition

While maskne might be new to many of us, it didn’t originate out of nowhere.

“It has always been an issue in professions where you have to wear a mask regularly,” says dermatologist, Amy Kassouf, MD. “But now that the general public has to wear masks, the incidence of it has certainly increased.”

Dr. Kassouf explains that stress from the pandemic, as well as the local irritation from your mask, can make maskne more likely. 

The Science Behind Maskne

When you breathe or talk, your mask tends to trap in a lot of hot air. Besides being annoying, this air creates a warm, humid environment — and an ideal setting for yeast, bacteria and other flora, such as demodex (types of skin mites that naturally live on our skin), to grow.

Dr. Kassouf says that these bacterial imbalances and friction from your mask can promote acne and rosacea flare-ups as well as something called perioral dermatitis. This is when fine pimples and pustules appear around the nose and mouth.

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